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I have survived!
It is a nice 3 hours project.
With a bit more polish could be a nice first survival level. Keep it up guys.

You're the world champion at the moment! Congrats and thank you!.


22 s is my max after like 10 deaths.  That's really fun, I wish there was crouching added or some kind of a longer terrain to use left right buttons more being able to side step any bullets. Polished and I want to end this game so much. Music is amazing!


I would suggest more place for the player and less for the turrets, since the bullet may go out in a milisecond and get you. Some kind of an animation for the platform while it is about to be removed like flashing with increasing frequency indicating is it going to expire now or in a next second. The higher the frequency the less time the player has to move to the next platform.


Nice game, it would be nice if the first 10 secs could have been set a little easier before ramping up. To ease those with less dexterity a chance to get a feel for the controls, otherwise, the gameplay felt fluid and fun.



I agree with your take, the time wasnt enough for us to do that sadly